Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 21 Part III - What BYU-Idaho Marine Biology Field Experience students do on their day off - Part III

About now you may be wondering if the fun and science ever stops...well, doesn't.

Remember the octopus that Dallas found in Posting #1 for today?  It expired shortly before dinner, so after dinner he dissected it with the rest of the crew looking on (and with some coaching...heh heh).

Dallas was in marine biologist heaven.

A few snips of the scissors later and he exposed the organs housed in the mantle...Elysa and Mackenzie look on.

The yellow structures are the gills...

Here's the buccal bulb, the structure that houses the beak and the radula.  That's the esophagus coming out the bottom of it.

Toward the end we released the contents of the ink sac into the dissection pan...viola - ink!

Here are MBFE class members enjoying one of the rites of passage into marine biology - writing with octopus or squid ink.

Patrick writes the same way he lives his BOLD font!

And Bailey labeled hers...just in case you're not sure what it is.

And last but not least, Dallas does his best imitation of "Davy Jones" from "Pirates of the Caribbean".

And that's a wrap for Day 21's postings.  Three weeks down, one to go.

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